Yes, a tumblr exists solely for posting images of Tom Selleck, waterfalls and sandwiches. That shrimp po' boy does looks good though …
Also, I had to laugh at the vegan professor in Canada who is spamming Sarah Palin by snail mail with daily entreaties to veganism. Good luck with that and let me know if you need any stamps, professor.[Image from the LA Times.]
Finally, I noted in the wild a few new (to me) Maine food blogs. First, Paul Drowns' blog devoted to chronicling his endeavors in charcuterie: Gimme Real Food; also, Portland based "Lukaduke's" very localfoodie-esque blog project for 2010 chronicling his year in local food named, alas, LocalroootZ.
04 February 2010
Week-end Wreckage, Part II (a bit ahead of schedule)
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That crab is the scariest, grossest thing I have seen in a longtime. I could not be in the same room with it. *shudder*
Spider crab coffee table? Her interior decorating skills kind of suck. The bear skin couch completes the wrongness of the room just perfectly somehow.
woah... Thank god I stopped taking shrooms years ago or would be having horrible flashes of that spider crab and Sara Palin...
..and not Tom Selleck being eaten by a giant po'boy!? Wait, that's it! Clearly we need to start the blog that collects images of Sarah Palin, spider crabs and bear skins.
Great blog! I was doing some a Google search on Swallowtail Farm and found it here.
I'm a local blogger too, lots of recipes, but not so much vegetarian or vegan. Just good thing to eat.
I'm also writing for
Take a look at my blog if you get a chance. Thanks!
Thanks, Karen.
Swallotail makes such nice stuff. I bought honey from them last weekend. Although there was the Great Sarsaparilla Incident, which I am forbidden to speak about.
Thanks for the blog tip. Maine Loves Food could be a nice site, but it needs a rss or atom feed. It's just too hard to follow a site without one. Maybe you could suggest that to them.
We're not vegans here at Cornucopasetic either; we're vegan poseurs or weekend omnivores or--and this is the worst word ever--flexitarians. The focus is on whole, healthy, local, real food.
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